We use treatments to assist the skin by feeding it vital nutrients contained within the plant compounds. Assisting with metabolic activity to combat oxidative stress and fatigue, yes we said fatigue. Stress exposure causes the skin to lose its vitality appearing washed out or lacking luster.
Symptoms include dry, pale, skin, or it could manifest as redness or inflammation as our bodies react differently to stress. The ideal way to combat this is to use natural plant compounds to protect us against the free radical exposure created by our environment and daily living.
30ml | 10z
The intention of a formula is just as important as what’s in it.
150 MG CBD | broad spectrum cannabis sativa hemp-extracted cannabinoid oil a prolific species containing a broad range of chemical compounds. High in antioxidants and adaptogenic capacity.
SIBERIAN SEA BUCKTHORN | the nourishing, revitalizing, and restorative action of sea buckthorn have been known for centuries. Due to its rich supply of the nutrients essential for healthy skin, sea buckthorn assists in combating fine lines, wrinkles, and dryness.
WILD FRENCH LAVENDER | has a harmonizing effect on the nervous system, this does affect skin health. Often referred to as the “mother of essential oils” because of its ability to stabilize many imbalances. Our formula contains the benchmark standard for all things lavender. French and organic means one of the best chemotypes of lavender. This is a real thing as up to 80% of all lavender is adulterated.
BAKUCHI OIL l frequently called “nature’s retinol.” What’s a retinol? A form of vitamin A often used to combat fine lines and wrinkles. This herbal form is chemo-protective, anti-microbial, and is more effective in its natural state.
SQUALANE | a radical change in overall skin appearance happens when we use squalane. Well-tolerated, and well suited for every skin type. A derivative of the olive helps boost antioxidant levels and offers protection from environmental factors.
ORGANIC AMLA OIL | highly revered in Ayurvedic medicine, also known as Indian gooseberry, is extremely high in Vit C with 3000 mg per fruit. Considered a nutritive tonic and rejuvenating herb, highly anti-inflammatory and known as a rasayana assisting, rebuilding, and maintaining tissues.
BROCCOLI SEED OIL | extremely high in antioxidants especially vitamin A, which shields the skin from oxidative stress and damage by neutralizing free radical overload.